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پریست لایتروم موبایل و دسکتاپ پیزا Lightroom Presets Pack
Pisa Mobile & Desktop Lightroom Presets will create unique tones and styles into your photos without compromising quality in a few clicks! Each preset has been crafted to look great with a wide variety of images. In many instances you will be able to get a great result with a single click. However, you can always make adjustments to suit individual photos. If you’re an amateur or professional photographer, graphic designer or blogger you likely spend a lot of time in front of screen, retouching photos. Pre-defined Lightroom presets will speed up your workflow, give your images a fresh look and add a professional touch to your photos without complicated editing in Photoshop. These presets will help amateur and professional photographers to make their fashion, portrait wedding, bloggers, influences, lifestyle photography, travel, vacation, and great choice for almost any kind of photography.