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دانلود قالب Node.js داشبورد ادمین Lexa

دانلود قالب Node.js داشبورد ادمین Lexa
لکسا Responsive Node.js Admin & Dashboard Template

Lexa is a fully featured, multi-purpose admin template built with Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery and Nodejs ( EJS – Embedded Javascript Templates). It’s a fully responsive and have the very clean user interface that comes with a huge collection of components, widgets, UI elements.

We have used the latest node version 9.11.2 with both layouts and any Node developer can easily understand code structure. We have maintained the best quality code for all versions so your developer can easily customize it as per your requirements. It is a professional and flexible admin template and can be used to build all kind of projects.


  • Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • Built with Bootstrap
  • Horizontal & Vertical Layouts
  • Clean and Flat design
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • SASS Support
  • Login, register, error pages
  • Calendar view
  • Form validation
  • Invoice with ready print button
  • Directory List page
  • Google maps
  • Drop zone file upload
  • Summernote Editor
  • 6+ Charts Library
  • Datatables
  • Error pages included
امتیاز: 5.0/5 از 2 رای
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